Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)

Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)

Level 70, ilvl 340


Dravanian Hinterlands (X:10.1, Y:23.7, Z:1.0)

Secret of the Ooze

The sudden emergence of a mud-covered and excessively energetic korpokkur from inside the Arboretum sparks interest among a trio of Idyllshire citizens. They believe the layer of grime covering the seedkin has invigorating properties that could be used to revitalize the soil of Greengrub Mudplots. Unfortunately, hordes of aggressive plant life exposed to the substance stand between them and the information they seek. You agree to lead an expedition into the Arboretum to clear a path and thereby allow safe passage to its inner reaches.  



In the encounter, there are several abilities that players need to be aware of. First, there is Odious Air, which is a cone attack that deals damage and inflicts Poison. Then, there is Vine Whip, which is a tankbuster ability. Another ability to watch out for is Fault Warren, which puts a stack marker on a random player. Additionally, from time to time, a non-targetable Rafflesia add will spawn on the edge of the arena. It will target two random players with markers that create poisonous pools, inflicting Leaden on the players standing in them. The Rafflesia can be devoured by the Nullchu, who will then breathe poison towards the center of the arena, dealing damage and inflicting Poison on any player standing in it. To avoid this attack, it is best to stand near the Rafflesia. The Nullchu telegraphs this attack by turning to face the Rafflesia. Lastly, there is Taproot, which targets all players with AoEs, so it is important to spread out to avoid overlapping damage.


During the fight, the edges of the arena will be covered in thorny vines that will damage players upon contact and inflict Vulnerability Up. Vulnerability Up is a debuff that players should be aware of. The boss has several abilities that players need to watch out for. Stone II is a tankbuster move that deals significant damage. Tectonics is an attack that causes damage to the entire party. Landslip is a move where four conveyor belt line markers appear on the arena, and Silt Golem adds spawn on the outside. When Landslip is cast, all players will be pushed in the direction of the arrows, causing them to take damage from the Silt Golems' Rockslide attack and receive Vulnerability Up. Players should try to position themselves in a safe area during this move to avoid the Rockslide attack. Earthquake is an area of effect attack that starts at melee range and is followed immediately by a ring area of effect. Players should move either to melee range or far range to avoid getting hit. Earth Shaker targets the two DPS players and deals damage in a line from the boss to the player. Empty Gaze is a gaze attack that inflicts Hysteria. Players should be cautious and try to avoid getting hit by these abilities.


The fight takes place on a grate with four solid platforms. Periodically, the mud beneath the platforms will churn with the message "The puddles begin to froth". After a short delay, mud will explode upwards through the grate, damaging players who are not on a solid platform and launching them into the air. The boss has several abilities: - "Mudsling" is a tankbuster. - "Quagmire" marks all players for an AoE. Players should spread out to avoid overlap, but also keep the center of the attack off the solid platforms. Allowing Quagmire to coat a platform creates a highly-damaging puddle on that platform. - "Mud Pie" causes the boss to move to the center of the arena and create a "Mud Slime" add. The add cannot be killed, only pushed via damage. It is important to keep all of the boss's area of effect attacks away from the Mud Slime, including the periodic puddle explosion. Allowing the Mud Slime to be hit with attacks will cause it to grow, resulting in more damage when it eventually detonates. After approximately 45 seconds, the Mud Slime will cast "Corrupture", dealing damage to the entire party based on its size. If the Mud Slime was not allowed to grow at all, Corrupture will only hit melee range. If the Mud Slime grows once, it will deal moderate party-wide damage. If it grows twice, it will immediately explode for very high damage while also causing "Damage Down". - "Royal Flush" is a melee-range area of effect attack. - During the second cast of Mud Pie, two "Muddy Dorpokkur" adds will spawn. These adds have low HP and mainly serve as a distraction from the Mud Slime. - "Feculent Flood" is a cone attack that targets the Mud Slime. It has a long cast time, allowing players to push the Mud Slime away. - "Bog Bequest" is a ring area of effect attack that leaves melee range safe. If the boss is on the edge of the arena, the opposite side is also a safe area.
